
In Eve’s Kitchen works with a disclaimer, but believes much more in positivity, trust and quality. Therefore, In Eve’s Kitchen does not simply shift liability to you. In Eve’s Kitchen takes its responsibility with respect to the use of the website. This will be reflected in this disclaimer.

This disclaimer applies in any case to the content and use of the website of ineveskitchen.com

Purpose foodblog/website

You hereby gain access to the website of In Eve’s Kitchen, ineveskitchen.com

In Eve’s Kitchen publishes here for information and entertainment blog articles, recipes supplemented with text, images and other materials such as video for you as a private, non-commercial user.

In Eve’s Kitchen can at any time change the content or remove parts if it finds that necessary. Do you miss a favorite recipe?

Send an email and In Eve’s Kitchen will see if she can still help you.

What you should know about collaborations with In Eve’s Kitchen

The website of In Eve’s Kitchen also contains advertorials. These are sponsored articles that brands pay for and that In Eve’s Kitchen highlights. This is one of the ways (food) bloggers earn their money.

You can recognize these collaborations because in the text itself or at the bottom of the article it is clearly stated that this is a collaboration. The current regulations as drawn up by the Advertising Code Committee are complied with.

In Eve’s Kitchen aims to provide transparency to you as a reader.

In Eve’s Kitchen also adheres to a number of rules for collaborations.

In Eve’s Kitchen only publishes advertorials about brands or food-related subjects that In Eve’s Kitchen itself supports. There are requests from advertisers that In Eve’s Kitchen refuses. In Eve’s Kitchen is always itself decisive whether and if so with whom it enters into cooperation.

Furthermore, In Eve’s Kitchen only enters into cooperation with advertisers if she has the complete final editing. In addition, there must be room to form and express your own honest opinion.

I sometimes work with so-called affiliate links. When I link to a certain product and you click on it, you visit the website through a special link. This means that when you make a purchase, I get a (small) percentage of the final purchase. You don’t pay more than usual when you make a purchase through my link, but you can contribute to the costs I have for this site.

Brand names may appear in recipes and blog posts as the result of a paid collaboration.

I decide which brands and companies I collaborate with. Because of this, I consciously choose to only collaborate with brands and companies that I fully support.

Part of my income consists of these collaborations. This allows me to work full-time on my website and offer my recipes to you for free.

Eefkooktzo.nl also runs display ads. These are clearly visible and distinct from the rest of the content.

For more information In Eve’s Kitchen refers to the privacy statement.

Social media

Collaborations sometimes appear on social media. These include the Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest accounts of In Eve’s Kitchen. If there is a paid collaboration, barter, received product/service or invitation this is always mentioned as in line with the regulations of the Advertising Code Commission.

An advertiser may also have paid In Eve’s Kitchen for a social media post. Again, we only post something if we support it ourselves.

As said: In Eve’s Kitchen never posts anything on social media that In Eve’s Kitchen is not enthusiastic about. Our opinion is not for sale.

Rules to keep it fun

In Eve’s Kitchen likes it when you leave a comment on the site!

Please keep your comments substantive and appropriate. Inappropriate comments will unfortunately force In Eve’s Kitchen to remove them or block your IP address and ban you from the website.

Inappropriate comments include: inappropriate language (swear words, unnecessarily offensive wording, etc.), spam, pornographic content, comments of a racist or discriminatory nature and content that violates the law.

If you wish to add a link to your comment, please do so by using the box provided. Links that are not relevant to your comment will be removed from your comment.

Please share (but pay attention to property such as copyright)

Of course In Eve’s Kitchen likes it when you like the recipes and the blogs!

You may therefore share the url or blog posts for non-commercial purposes on your social media. You do this by copying the link at the top of the address bar and sharing it on Facebook, for example. For Pinterest you will find a button next to the recipe and if you want to share something on Instagram you can share the post of the respective recipe in your stories.

Of course, you may always save or print recipes for private use as well.

It is not allowed to copy the photos and recipe recipes and copy them elsewhere on the Internet and/or social media. This is against the law and infringes the copyright of In Eve’s Kitchen. It is possible that compensation will be sent if this happens.

Sharing of the url or blog posts, photos and recipes without, for example, source attribution, quotes or name attribution can only be done with prior express written permission from In Eve’s Kitchen.

If you want to use specific texts or images to:

  • to copy,
    ● to distribute,
    ● to duplicate,
    ● to publish,
    ● modify,
    ● to store,
    ● to edit,
    To publish and/or otherwise reproduce, other than for private use?

Then you always need prior and express written permission from In Eve’s Kitchen.

The above also applies to the use of intellectual property rights of In Eve’s Kitchen for commercial purposes. All rights of intellectual property concerning products, services, texts, photographs, illustrations, graphic material, (trade) names, word marks and logos are owned by In Eve’s Kitchen.

We therefore ask you, if you want to use the name, logo or any other intellectual property right of In Eve’s Kitchen, to contact In Eve’s Kitchen in advance.
In Eve’s Kitchen via the contact options below.
It will be assessed on a case-by-case basis whether permission is granted or that In Eve’s Kitchen will conclude a license with you and charge a fee for this.

Help keep In Eve’s Kitchen up to date

Know in any case that the website of In Eve’s Kitchen is developed and composed with great care and attention and is constantly updated.

But nevertheless it is possible that information published is incomplete, outdated and/or incorrect.

This may be due, among other things, to (manifest) errors, mistakes or, for example, due to a technical defect or other technical cause.

You can not derive any rights from (manifest) errors, incomplete information, slips etcetera.

Of course In Eve’s Kitchen does its utmost to prevent this or to restore as soon as possible.

In Eve’s Kitchen makes every effort to include accurate and current information on this website, but cannot guarantee that the available information is complete or correct. Information may be changed at any time without prior notice.

Finally, In Eve’s Kitchen would like to point out to you that any references to other sites are only included for the information of the users of the site. In Eve’s Kitchen is not responsible for the content or availability of these sites or resources.

Should you find any incomplete, outdated or incorrect information on our website or in our webshop, please feel free to give us a call. This can be done via the contact details below.

© In Eve’s Kitchen